nephritis, broken cardiac compensation, pneumonia, Cialis Prescription Free shock and exhaustion from prolonged labor, and post partum hemorrhage ranked next, and after this, deaths from shock and hemorrhage after Caesarean section, tuberculosis, acute toxemia of pregnancy with convulsions, and accidental hemorrhage. MODERN TREATMENT AND PREVENTIVE MEDICINE. 423 Emergency Treatment of Wounds of the Blad- der and Urethra. — Chevassu and Escat {Presse medicalc, December 13, 1917) assert that bladder wounds due to military arms are associated with great immediate danger, largely because of the peritoneal and intestinal lesions which frequently coexist. The ideal treatment of bladder wounds by suture of the wound openings is only exception- ally applicable, its resuhs being Cialis Prescription Free often highly dis- appointing. Men with bladder wounds reaching the special hospitals belong chiefly to two classes ; those on whom a cystotomy has been performed and those to whom no bladder treatment has been ap- plied. An emergency cystotomy seems to be the best form of surgical treatment for bladder wounds. In the presence of a vesicointestinal fistula, forma- tion of an iliac anus Cialis Prescription Free seems useless in the majority of cases, and its indications are very few. Patients on whom cystotomy has been performed should always be quickly transferred to the military urol- ogical hospitals, provided it is considered certain that no Cialis Prescription Free intestinal wound contraindicating early re- moval coexists. In wounds Cialis Prescription Free of the urethra, imme- diate suture, always tedious and difficult, should not be Cialis Prescription Free attempted unless a second route of evacua- tion for the urine, usually suprapubic, can be sim- ultaneously established. Simple derivation of the urinai7 flow by a suprapubic cystotomy Cialis Prescription Free coupled with a free opening up of the focus of traumatism, is immediately sufficient in the majority of cases. Application of the Carrel-Dakin Method to Cialis Prescription Free Civil Surgery.— G. A. Moore {Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, January 24, 1918) says that the results of this method of treatment may be grouped under two headings, a saving of men and a saving of money. Many limbs can be saved by it which formerly were amputated; septicemias and absces- ses following wounds have been greatly reduced. From an economic standpoint the closure of wounds of soft parts and compound fractures, after infection has been subdued, and the resulting heal- ing by primary union, is an enormous saving over older methods of treatment. The more rapid clos- ing in of compound fractures efl'ects a saving Cialis Prescription Free of from fifty to seventy per cent, in the cost, while it results in a better function of the limb and a greater probability that the patient will be able to earn his living after convalescence. In the Carrel- Dakin method of treating wounds we have a solu- tion that is simple and easy to make and does not require a well equipped laboratory or a special knowledge of chemistry, and the ingredients of which are always available. In the hospitals and dressing stations where it has been used, it has proved that the inevitable sepsis following war wounds can be controlled ; that many of the 'maim.- ing Cialis Prescription Free operations which were done in the early months of the war to avoid sepsis were unnecessary: and that the mortality from sepsis can be greatly de- creased as compared with older methods. As re- gards the use of this method in civil surgery the writer thinks that it would give as good results in kilhng domestic bugs as militarj' bugs, and that its adoption in civil practice will be attended by results as gratifying as those obtained in the militarv hos- pitals. ^ Fluid Substitutes for Transfusion After Hem- orrhage. — Peyton Rous and George W. Wilson {Journal A. M . A., January 26, 1918) find that about three quarters of the total hemoglobin may safely be Cialis Prescription Free removed from animals and they will still survive provided that the blood fluid bulk is approximately retained. Great losses of blood plasma can also be tolerated with recovery, because the animal body has the power to replace the loss with great rapid- ity from its tissue fluids, if the bulk of the blood is maintained. Irrespective of the desirability of blood transfusion in other respects, it is not neces- sary to the saving of life in the majority of cases of acute hemorrhage if only the blood volume can be maintained by some Cialis Prescription Free means. Many fluids have been suggested for this purpose, but experiments and clinical trials have shown that almost all fall far short of maintaining the required blood volume for a sufficiently long time to permit the restoration of the plasma and the hemoglobin. The one which has proved most satisfactory is a solution of acacia of five to seven per cent, strength. This has the further advantages over most of the other sug- gested substitutes for blood in being nonprotein and hence devoid of the danger of causing serum sickness or protein intoxication, and of being read- ily sterilized Cialis Prescription Free by simple boiling. Action of Tin Oxide and Metallic Tin on the Fever in Pulmonary Tuberculosis.— Arthur Compton {Bulletin dc I'Acadcmic dc medicine, No- vember 27, 1917), in view of the efficacy of a'mix- ture of tin oxide and metallic tin, taken internally, in antagonizing staphylococcic infection in furun- culosis, acne, chronic bone suppuration, traumatic osteomyelitis, and suppuration in war wounds, has been trying out the same remedy against the second- ary infection of lung tuberculosis. The dose was one gram of the mixture a day. In the Cialis Prescription Free first case, diagnosed as tuberculous Cialis Prescription Free bronchopneumonia, spu- Cialis Prescription Free tum cultures showed staphylococci, Friedlander organisms, and two Gram negative bacilli. Tubercle bacilli were absent. In two days after the begin- ning of the treatment the temperature curve com- menced to show a downward tendency, and on the seventeenth day the temperature dropped to nor- mal, where it remained Cialis Prescription Free until the patient left the hospital to return to Australia. Two other cases, clearly of lung tuberculosis, are reported in which the treatment gradually brought down the temper- ature from around 39° C. to normal, the latter condition being reached on the twelfth and the twenty-third days, respectively. The sputum dimin- ished in quantity and the general state was greatly improved. In the only patient under observation